Constructs a new $(D_PSYMBOL FluentLogger) instance using the given $(D_PSYMBOL Configuration).
Flush the remaining data in the buffer and close the connection to the remote fluent host.
Write an array of ubyte to the logger. Client code should generally use the post() functions of $(D_PSYMBOL Logger) instead of calling write() directly.
FluentLogger configuration
Pack the given record using MessagePack and write it with the current timestamp using $(D_PSYMBOL write).
Pack the given record using MessagePack and write it with the given timestamp using $(D_PSYMBOL write).
Write an array of ubyte to the logger. Client code should generally use the post() functions of $(D_PSYMBOL Logger) instead of calling write() directly.
$(D_PSYMBOL FluentLogger) is a $(D_PSYMBOL Fluentd) client